Saturday, September 6, 2008

Three Good Authors: Phillip Pullman, Gayle Carson Levine, Elisabeth McDavid Jones

His Dark Materials are three great books. I've read them all and I recommend them. Gayle Carson Levine, I recommended her books of Ella Enchanted, Fairest, Two Princesses of Bamarre and lots of others. Elisabeth McDavid Jones who wrote two great books, A Peril at King's Creek and also Traitor in Williamsburg. The two Felicity mysteries are good for kids 7 and up. I liked the two books of the Felicity mysteries because they were good historical books and also were written about my American girl doll Felicity and Elisabeth which I have. His Dark Materials were great books. My favorite characters were Lyra, Pantolaimon and Iorek Byrnison and also the gallivespians. The Golden Compass was a good book for 10 and up. The books that were written by Gayle Carsen Levine are very magical books. I've read Ella Enchanted, Fairest, The Two Princesses of Bamarre and Princess Sonorra and the Long Sleep. They're great books I've read many of them. My favorite book that I've read was Ella Enchanted because there is a movie and a book and well, the characters are nice. Some of them are very dramatic. Ella is very funny, but princess Adelina in the Two Princesses of Bamarre is very dramatic. Aza, in Fairest is dramatic too.

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