Sunday, June 26, 2011


So I got out of school on the fifteenth of June and it was awesome. One of the reasons being, my awesome grandmother, MayMay was there when I got out. And the next thing I knew, we were off on a four-hour trip to Vermont. Our stops included Warner, NH where we ate at the Foothills (Eat here, or we'll both starve). When we got to Stowe, the town we were staying in, it was about a five minute break at the Inn. Then we were off again to dinner, and so-on and so-forth. In the next 3 days we did a bunch of activities. My favorite included the Alpine Slide, a super cool park, and beautiful hikes. The Alpine Slide is a huge slide, so big that it takes a whole ski lift to get to the top of it. It's called the Alpine Slide because they do it in ski areas in the Alps during the warm months. The hikes were so beautiful, but long. Although the sight of the Green Mountains were worth it in the end. We even saw an orange salamander. Another thing about Vermont is we discovered my little sister has one of the best ever hiker attitudes. We were sad to leave Vermont, but we knew that there was a whole summer waiting for us back at home.

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