Thursday, February 5, 2009

Books, Books, Books and More BOOKS!!!!

I've been reading and reading and reading, so I could talk and talk and talk and talk all about the books I've read! So for starters, the famous Nancy Drew, Girl Detective, that's what I've been reading first. Only first! So first it goes that I've read, the Secret of the Old Clock, which in Nancy Drew has just witnessed a child falling off a bridge. From that day on Nancy will never be the same. She will be Nancy Drew, Girl Detective. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about! And I LOVE mysteries! So, as soon as she sees the child fall, she parks her car and runs to the child, who happens to have something to do with the Crowley Mystery. While Nancy is helping one of her great aunts get some medicine she learns about this mystery. Later, you see, she is asked to solve the Hidden Staircase Mystery. I probably shouldn't tell you all the spooks in this one! I'll just tell tell you the basic titles. First, she is asked to solve the Hidden Staircase and her father plans to come and help her after he goes to Chicago to do some sleuthing. But in the train station, he  disappears! Nancy does not know where he is and is worried. That gives you a great update in what I've been reading.


steviewren said...

These were my favorite books and Nancy Drew was my first literary hero!

Keep reading!

Kat Mortensen said...

Hi Alicia - Oh, I see Steviewren is here too. What a coincidence!
We are both big Nancy Drew fans. My favourite book was The Mystery of the Tolling Bell. Have you read that one?
